Detached Solutions Title


Platform: TI-83+, TI-89, Voyage 200
Released On:  Jun 1st, 2004

Produced By: Kirk Meyer
E-Mail: kirk7477@detachedsolutions.com

Please select your calculator to begin the download.


TI-83+ TI-89
TI-83+ SE TI-89 Titanium
TI-84+ TI-92+
TI-84+ SE Voyage 200

About OurWorld

OurWorld is a virtual globe for your handheld graphing technology. It is available for TI-83+, TI-84+, TI-89, and Voyage 200. It features a zoomable map of the world, with important political features labeled. OurWorld samples world political boundaries with more than 30,000 points, with extra detail in the United States. There are more than 1,100 labels, including countries, lakes, capitals, and major cities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How do I put this application on my calculator?
A1: You will need a TI-GraphLink which can be bought from any number of electronics stores or http://epsstore.ti.com/ for about $20. You will then need TI-GraphLink software v2.0 or higher, or TI-Connect.

Q2: Can I type this application into my calculator?
A2: No, applications cannot be typed into a calculator.

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Last Modified: 2021-07-26 01:47:04 GMT